The Hidden Costs of Going Independent: What Advisors Need to Know

Jul 24, 2024 2min

Embarking on the journey to launch your own Portfolio Management (PM) firm is both thrilling and challenging. As you dream of steering your own ship, one fundamental question looms large: “What will it cost to get started?” The answer is far from simple. In this article, we unravel the intricate web of expenses you’ll face—from essential startup costs like legal fees and office setup to ongoing regulatory costs that ensure your firm’s compliance. Join us as we navigate the financial landscape of launching a PM firm, providing a clear roadmap for your entrepreneurial adventure.

Two Types of Costs

1. Startup Costs

These initial investments lay the groundwork for your firm’s success. Think of startup costs as the canvas upon which your business will paint its future. Examples include:

- Legal Fees: Securing the necessary legal advice to ensure your firm is compliant from day one.

- Office Setup: Furnishing your workspace to create a professional environment.

- Technology Infrastructure: Investing in robust software and hardware to manage client portfolios efficiently.

- Branding: Establishing your firm’s identity through logos, websites, and marketing materials.

2. Ongoing Regulatory Costs

Regulatory compliance is paramount in the financial industry. These costs cover ongoing obligations to ensure your firm operates within regulatory boundaries, including:

- Firm and Individual Registration Fees: Fees required for both your firm and its representatives.

- Annual Filings: Maintaining up-to-date filings to comply with regulatory requirements.

- Compliance Systems: Ensuring systems are in place to meet ongoing regulatory standards.

Navigating the Landscape

Working Capital Requirement: NI 31-103 mandates that PM firms maintain excess working capital (as calculated in accordance with Form 31-103F1) of at least $25,000 at all times. This requirement increases when a firm is registered in more than one category.

Financial Institution Bond Insurance: PM firms require insurance coverage based on specific clauses provided by regulators. The coverage amount depends on the total assets of the firm, typically equating to a minimum of 1% of total assets or $200K, whichever is less. For a PM firm with AUM under $1BN, average coverage costs range from $5K to $10K per year. Additional coverage limits apply if registered in multiple categories (e.g., PM and IFM).

Essential Roles

1. Advising Representative (AR)

   - ARs are registered individuals licensed to provide advice.

   - They undergo an application process with provincial regulators, considering relevant investment management experience (RIME) and minimum experience and educational qualifications (CFA or CIM).

2. Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)

   - Every Canadian PM firm requires a CCO who must meet the criteria set forth by the CSA in NI 31-103 Section 3.13.

   - Hiring a CCO depends on qualifications and experience, with costs ranging from $100K to $250K per year or more.

3. Ultimate Designated Person (UDP)

   - The functional CEO responsible for compliance oversight.

   - Ensures a culture of compliance, understands the regulatory landscape, and oversees risk management controls.

While some firms transition existing staff into these roles, others may need to hire, adding to their startup costs.

The Bottom Line

Launching your own PM firm involves various costs that can vary based on factors like firm size, staff, and preparation level. We typically recommend that practices contemplating launching a PM firm do so with at least $350 million in AUM. This ensures financial feasibility for both management and staff.

Our services assist prospective PM firms with essential pre-launch work. Partnering with us can be more cost-effective than going it alone. Reach out to schedule an introductory conversation and explore how we can support your journey.

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President & CEO @ Origin Wealth